Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"The Winner Stands Alone" by Paulo Coelho - Review

Yet another philosophy by Paulo Coelho. Gives an insight into the reality behind all the Glitz and Glamour which provokes us to think about the materialistic world we live in. At few points, it mocks at us as regards to our hunger for money and power encapsulating us into slavery. However, as regards to Igor, his character is too hard to understand. On one side he is a wise man knowing what is valuable and on the other hand acts insensible. Is that what the author is trying to convey that even the wisest is deviated from the right? That's left on the readers to decide. Also the whole idea of him escaping in the end in his private jet seemed too abrupt without facing any consequences to his brutality done. All in all, perhaps a good read and keeps the reader intrigued throughout.

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