Sunday, November 30, 2008


My heart knows no bounds of misery and sympathy for what ever that has happened in Mumbai!The terror Strike made my blood run cold as I watched the bloody happenings. I felt I was watching a frightening and a downright trash movie which would have a hopeless ending. The beautiful corridors that I had walked through had been burnt and strewened with dead bodies. It really hurts. 26th November, a black day not only for Mumbai but for the entire nation. These scars, we would never be able to wipe off from our minds, and why should we anyway! It has indeed made us realize that we should no more put up with such a lackadaisical attitude of Indian political system. Lack of adequate security in spite of repeated events over past so many years is not excusable anymore. Not to those who have been losing their near and dear ones and to those who have been watching it all the way. Tomorrow god forbid, the victim may be you! It's high time we woke up and raised our voices and we must strive to take the initiative to do something about this patheity.

Some of our questions need to be answered!
Firstly, why didn't the police or the government do anything when this incident was already warned about? The lame excuse by Mr. Vilas Rao Deshmukh, the CM of Mumbai, saying that such a thing is heard about on a regular basis with nothing really happening in the end, only shows his indifference towards his state and people of India. Moreover, he seems to be working on a disaster tourism by bringing along Mr Ram Gopal Varma, the famous film director visiting the scenes of aftermath of such a disaster.

Secondly, Where are Raj Thakrey, Bal Thakrey and Udhav Thakrey? The ones who fostered unnecessary riots for their "so called" Mumbaikars are no where seen when they should be around. Fighting against the non_-Mumbaikars staying in Mumbai was their flavor. What do they have to say when people from different states give up their lives whilst rescuing "His" mumbaikars?

Thirdly, What on earth had Mr. R.R Patil meant when said that "such minor incidents do happen in big cities?". When the entire country is facing some serious crises, he lacked the understanding of his job requirements. Losing his post as the home minister was consequent.

Fourthly, What are we paying taxes for? Just to see these horrendous series of heart breaking events? We contribute to the politicians' salary, security and living and what is it that we get in return? The problem is that it is still not favored to invest in India's security and equipments! A larger chunk of it is lost in corruption.Why so?

Fifthly, the biggest question is, What now??? How are we going to head from here. Are we still going to put up with such disgust wrongly naming it as "resilience" ? What can we do to save our land and ourselves? We have already seen the repercussions by leaving it on our politicians who merely work for their own selfish interests? How are we going to recuperate?

We do have a responsibility on our shoulders now to try changing India for good. How safe are we? This excruciating event has indeed made us realize that no matter who we are, wheresoever we may be, we are extremely vulnerable whilst terrorists making innovative ways to strike terror and cause sabotage! Politicians are not our leaders, they are public servants! It's perhaps on us to choose the ones who can serve us best. We cannot be denied of this right as the whole of India screams "Enough is Enough".


YBS said...

Rightly pointed by you, the politicians are playing a game. game of blame game. the security force in india should be used in a proper way. 250 cr per year is spent on security for the politicians. which consists of NSG's , SPG's , commando's . the frequency of communication and the speed is less in india. once it is suspected then the whole country should know about it and act accordingly. but after passing the information also our people have lagged behind. tata says that he was pre warned about the attack, so he guarded the front gate with tight security and the terrorists entered from the kitchen door. utter foolishness, when an warning was given, why dint he inform the cops and take legal protection messures. the list goes on. every person has made mistake that has led to the disaster and a black day. hope we are united and we work as one further, giving no room for such activities.

we as indians shall fight back and prove ourselves, and show them we are no less.

Anula Aboobacker said...

I share your opinion; it is high time we did something. But the question of the hour is what we can do, as a student, as a journalist, as a business man, as a house wife. What media and the people should understand is discussions are not going to take us anywhere. It is time to act, not to sit in front of the TV and listen to others talk on the attack and leave a sigh of relief. Are we all ready for a ‘I VOTE NOBODY’?? Will we do it for the next polls or tell ‘what f*** I’m not going to the polling booth’? Now that is what is going to make all the difference. Common India, just do it!!